Megibung, Bali – The Tradition of Eating Together Typical of the Karangasem People - Putu Steky

Megibung, Bali – The Tradition of Eating Together Typical of the Karangasem People

This megibung tradition was introduced by the King of Karangasem, namely I Gusti Agung Anglurah Ketut Karangasem around 1614 Caka or 1692 AD. When at that time, Karangasem in his expedition conquered the kings of Lombok. When resting from war, the king advised all his soldiers to eat together in a circular position which later became known as Megibung. In fact, the king himself is said to have eaten together with his soldiers.

Megibung starts with cooking traditional Balinese dishes together, be it rice or side dishes. After finishing cooking, residents then prepare the food to be eaten. White rice is placed in a container called gibungan, while the side dishes and vegetables to be eaten are called garlands. This megibung tradition is held when there are traditional and religious ceremonies in a place, especially in the Karangasem area, for example in yadnya ceremonies such as weddings, odalan at temples, cremations, three-monthly ceremonies, and other celebrations. In this activity, usually those who have an event give invitations to their relatives and relatives to witness the procession of the religious ceremony. So that the ceremony procession can take place as expected.

There are some ethics that need to be considered during the megibung event, before eating we must wash our hands first, don't drop crumbs / leftover food from a bite, don't take food next to us, if one of us is satisfied and full it is forbidden to leave his friend, even though this rule does not written but still followed by participants eating megibung.

In Karangasem, marathon eating of megibung was once held during the early reign of Regent Wayan Geredeg. The megibung meal which was held on December 26, 2006 was held at Taman Sukasada Ujung with the number of participants not less than 20,520 people. Karangasem has several tourist attractions and also unique traditions, so many foreign tourists spend their vacation time in the East End of Bali.

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